Selection tool |
V, Esc |
V, Esc |
Direct Selection tool |
A |
A |
Toggle Selection and Direct Selection tool |
Ctrl+Tab |
Command+Control+Tab |
Page tool |
Shift+P |
Shift+P |
Gap tool |
U |
U |
Pen tool |
P |
P |
Add Anchor Point tool |
= |
= |
Add Anchor Point tool |
= |
= (on the numeric pad) |
Delete Anchor Point tool |
- |
- |
Delete Anchor Point tool |
- |
Convert Direction Point tool |
Shift+C |
Shift+C |
Type tool |
T |
T |
Type On A Path tool |
Shift+T |
Shift+T |
Pencil tool (Note tool) |
N |
N |
Line tool |
\ |
\ |
Rectangle Frame tool |
F |
F |
Rectangle tool |
M |
M |
Ellipse tool |
L |
L |
Rotate tool |
R |
R |
Scale tool |
S |
S |
Shear tool |
O |
O |
Free Transform tool |
E |
E |
Eyedropper tool |
I |
I |
Measure tool |
K |
K |
Gradient tool |
G |
G |
Scissors tool |
C |
C |
Hand tool |
H |
H |
Temporarily selects Hand tool |
Spacebar (Layout mode), Alt (Text mode),
or Alt+Spacebar (both) |
Spacebar (Layout mode), Option (Text mode), or
Option+Spacebar (both) |
Zoom tool |
Z |
Z |
Temporarily selects Zoom In tool |
Ctrl+Spacebar |
Command+Spacebar |
Toggle Fill and Stroke |
X |
X |
Swap Fill and Stroke |
Shift+X |
Shift+X |
Toggle between Formatting Affects Container
and Formatting Affects Text |
J |
J |
Apply Color |
, [comma] |
, [comma] |
Apply Gradient |
. [period] |
. [period] |
Apply No Color |
/ |
/ |
Switch between Normal View and Preview Mode |
W |
W |
Frame Grid tool (horizontal) |
Y |
Y |
Frame Grid tool (vertical) |
Q |
Q |
Gradient Feather tool |
Shift+G |
Shift+G |